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Critical Biogeography of the Northern Andean Highlands


  • Castillo-Vizuete, D., Gavilanes-Montoya, A., Woosnam, K.M., Ribeiro M.A., Chávez-Velásquez, R.C., Sarmiento F.O. and Hollas Ch. R. 2024. Intention to engage in ecotourism development: validation and extension of the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale. Current Issues in Tourism. https://www.doi.10.1080/13683500.2024.2343777
  • Kong, I, Sarmiento, F.O.  2022. Utilizing a crowdsourced phrasal lexicon to identify cultural ecosystem services in El Cajas National Park, Ecuador. Ecosystem Services, 56: 101441.
  • Sarmiento, F.0., Chávez, R., Aguirre, Ch., Abrahms, J. 2022. Desarrollo Sustentable y Regenerativo de los Paisajes Socioecológicos de Montaña: Montología del Chimborazo como Referente Insigne del Cambio Global.  Revista Antropologías del Sur 9(17): 121-145.
  • Sarmiento, F.O. 2021. Critical Biogeography of Neotropical Mountains: A Panoptic Approach for Biocultural Microrefugia Conservation. Journal of Biodiversity Online 1(3):1-7.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., M.B. Bush, W. Church, P. VanValkenburgh, M. Oliva, E. Delgado, S. Fernandez and N. Rojas. 2020. Mountain science poised to help ecotourism in Peruvian cloud forests.  PAGES 28(1), 22-23. 
  • Minga, D., Cordero, P., Donoso, M., Montesinos, K., Jimenez, M., Antaki, B. and Sarmiento, F.O.  2019.  The Uchucay microrefugium: an Interandean forest relict with an important arboreal richness in Southern Ecuador. Pirineos, Journal of Mountain Ecology  174: 1-16. 
  • Cheddadi R., A. Henrot, L. François, F. Boyer, M. Bush, M. Carré, E. Coissac, P. De Oliveira, F. Ficetola, A. Hambuckers, K. Huang K, A.M. Lézine, M. Nourelbait, A. Rhoujjati, P. Taberlet, F.O. Sarmiento, D. Abel-Schaad, F. Alba-Sánchez and Z. Zheng.  2017. Microrefugia, Climate Change, and Conservation of Cedrus atlantica in the Rif Mountains, Morocco. Frontiers of Ecology and Evolution 5(114): 1-15. 
  • Sarmiento, F.O., J.T. Ibarra, A. Barreau, J.C. Pizarro, R. Rozzi, J.A. González & L.M. Frolich. 2017. Applied Montology Using Critical Biogeography in the Tropical Andes.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers 107(2):1-13. (Special Issue on Mountains). 
  • Sarmiento, F.O. 2016. Identity, imaginaries and ideality: understanding the biocultural landscape of the Andes through the iconic Andean lapwing (Vanellus resplendens). Revista Chilena de Ornitología 22(1): 38-50
  • Sarmiento, F.O. 2012. Contesting Páramo: Critical Biogeography of the Northern Andean Highlands. Kona Publishers, Higher Education Division. Matthews, NC. 134pp.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., 2010. The Lapwing in Andean Ethnoecology: Proxy for Landscape Transformation. The Geographical Review 100(2): 229-245. 
  • Sarmiento, F.O. 2007. Páramos de Costa Rica by Maarten Kappelle and Sally Horn. Mountain Research and Development 27(1): 95-97
  • Sarmiento, F.O., 2005. Ethnoecology of the tropical Andes: Avian indicators of landscape change in highland Ecuador. Pirineos, Journal of Mountain Ecology 160: 87-119.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., 2001. Ecuador. Pp 497-548. In: Kapelle, M. & A. Brown (editores). Bosques Nublados del Neotrópico. InBIO, San José, Costa Rica. 698pp.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., 2000. Human impacts in man-aged tropandean landscapes: Breaking mountain paradigms. Ambio 29(7): 423-431.