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Farmscape Transformation of Tropical Mountains


  • Sarmiento, F.O.; Bush, M.B.; McMichael, C.N.H.; Chávez, C.R.; Cruz, J.F.; Rivas, G.; Kavoori, A.; Weatherford, J.; Hunt, C.A. 2024. Ecological Legacies and Ethnotourism: Bridging Science and Community in Ecuador’s Amazonia. Sustainability, 16 (11), 4664.
  • Sarmiento, F.O. (editor). 2022. Montology Manifesto: A Primer of Mountain Geographies. Springer-Nature/Switzerland. New York.
  • Sarmiento, F.O, Rodríguez, J., Yépez-Noboa, A.  2022. Forest Transformation in the Wake of Colonization: The Quijos Andean-Amazonian Flank, Past and Present.  Forests, 13, 11: 1-19.
  • Nishi M, Subramanian S, Gupta, H, Bergamini N, Braun V. Chao JT, Dey D, Fischer A, Jacobson Ch, Karimova PG, Kumar AK, Lee KY, Méndez-López ME, Maundu P, Morimoto Y, Olupot W, Osei-Owusu Y, Owusu-Achiaw R, Paran S, Vipindas P, Quintero-Ángel A, Rodriguez Dias SC, Sakkhamduang J, Sarmiento, FO, Sivan VV and Titumir RaM. 2022. Synthesis: Concept, Methodologies, and Strategies to Address the Nexus in SEPLS. Pp. 267-286. In: M. Nishi et al. (eds.), Biodiversity-Health-Sustainability Nexus in Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS), Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review 7. Springer.
  • Delgado, E., Meza Mori, G., Barboza, E., Rojas Briceño, N.B., Torres Guzmán, C., Oliva-Cruz, M., Chavez-Quintana, S.G., Salas López, R., López de la Lama, R., Sevillano-Ríos, C.S., Sarmiento, F. 2021. Efectividad de áreas de conservación privada comunal en bosques montanos nublados del norte de Perú. Pirineos, 176, e067.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., M.B. Bush, W. Church, P. VanValkenburgh, M. Oliva, E. Delgado, S. Fernandez and N. Rojas. 2020. Mountain science poised to help ecotourism in Peruvian cloud forests.  PAGES 28(1), 22-23. 
  •  Pinaya, J., F. Cruz, G. Ceccantini , P. Corrêa , N. Pitman , F. Vemado, M. Lopez, A. Pereira, C. Grohmann, C. Chiessi, N. Strikis, I. Horák-Terra , W. Pinaya , V. de Medeiros, R. Santos, T. Akabane, M. Silva, R. Cheddadi, M Bush, A-J. Henrot, L. François, A. Hambuckers, F. Boyer, M. Carré, E. Coissac, F. Ficetola, K. Huang, A-M. Lézine, M. Nourelbait, A. Rhoujjati, P. Taberlet, F.O. Sarmiento, D. Abel-Schaad, F. Alba-Sánchez, Z. Zheng, P. de Oliveira. 2019. Brazilian montane rainforests expansion induced by Heinrich Stadial 1 event. Nature Scientific Reports, 9, Article 17912.
  •  Subramanian, S. M., Yiu, E., Dasgupta, R., Takahashi, Y., Deja, E., Dublin, D., Natori, Y., Sarmiento,F.O., Osei-Owusu, Y., Quintero-Ángel, A., San Vicente-Tello, A., Díaz-Varela, E.,. Díaz-Varela, R.A., Titumir, R. Al M., Karimova, P.G., Lee, K.C., Ojelel, S., Lacaste, A.V., Belegal, J.A.C., Edake, S., Guibrunet, L., Kubo, H., Nishi, M., and R. Kozar. 2019.  How multiple values influence decisions on sustainable use in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes.  Satoyama Review, 5, 1-15. 
  • Donoso-Correa, M.E And F.O. Sarmiento.  2019. Geospatial Memory and Joblesness interpolated: International migration oxymora in the city of Biblián, Southern Ecuador.  American Journal of Geographic Information System 8(2): 60-88.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., A. Vázques, G. Aguilar, R. Cheddadi, M. Bush, M. Donoso & I. Kong.  2018. Trees Microrefugia and Community-based Conservation in Tropandean Mountainscapes: A Bio-Cultural Approach for Heritage Management of “El Collay” Protected Forest in Southeastern Ecuador.  Satoyama Review 4(1): 1-9.
  • Sarmiento, F.O.  2017.  Syncretic farmscape transformation in the Andes: A synoptic application of Borsdorf's Andean religious geographies. In: Sanchez, et. al. (Eds).  Re-conociendo las Geografías de América Latina y el Caribe.  Santiago: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Frolich, L.M, Aguirre, P. and F.O. Sarmiento. 2016. Cuatro Mitologías Aplicadas a la Sustentabilidad en la Calidad de Vida Urbana: El Caso de la Ciudad de Ibarra, Ecuador. Ibarra: Editorial de la Universidad Técnica del Norte.
  • Sarmiento, F.O.  2016.  Neotropical Mountains Beyond Water Supply: Environmental Services as a Trifecta of Sustainable Mountain Development.  In: Greenwood, G.B. & J.F. Shroder (Eds). pp. 309-324.  Series Developments in Earth Surface Processes Volume 21. Mountain Ice and Water — Investigations of the Hydrologic Cycle in Alpine Environments.  New York: Elsevier.
  • Ives, J.D., B. Messerli & F.O. Sarmiento.  2016.  Obituary for a Mountain Champion: Lawrence Hamilton, 1925-2016.  Mountain Research and Development 36(4): 569-570.
  • Sarmiento, F.O. 2014. Bolivia en un Mundo 4 Grados más Caliente: Escenarios Sociopolíticos Ante el Cambio Climático para los Años 2030 y 2060 en el Altiplano Norte by Dirk Hoffmann & Cecilia Requena. La Paz. Mountain Research and Development 34(4): 418-419.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., R. Russo & B. Gordon. 2013. Tropical Mountains Multifunctionality: Dendritic Appropriation of Rurality or Rhyzomic Community Resilience as Food Security Panacea. Pp. 55-66. In: Pillarisetti, J.R., R. Lawrey & A. Ahmad (editors). Multifunctional Agriculture, Ecology and Food Security: International Perspectives. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., 2011. Mountains' green economy and adaptation to mitigate climate change in the Andes. Interview by the Mountain Forum Secretariat on Mountain Alternative Development pathways. Mountain Forum Bulletin. 2011.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., 2011. Sustainability and the Biosphere Reserve: A compromise between Biodiversity, Conservation and Farmscape Transformation. pp19-23. In: Austrian MAB Committee (Editors). Biosphere Reserves in the Mountains of the World. Excellence in the clouds? An Austrian contribution to the 40th anniversary of UNESCO MAB programme. Austrian Academy of Sciences: Vienna. 120pp.
  • Gordon, B., Sarmiento, F.O., Jones, J. & R. Russo. , 2010. Sustainability Education in Practice: Appropriation of Rurality by the Global Migrants of Costa Rica. Journal of Sustainability Education 1(1): 14-23
  • Menhard, D. & F.O. Sarmiento. , 2010. Vulnerability of tropical mountain communities to global change:the case of Honduras. Journal of Sustainability Education 1(1): 31-39
  • Sarmiento, F.O., 2008. Agrobiodiversity of the Quijos River in the tropical Andes, Ecuador Amend, T., J. Brown, A. Kothari, A. Phillips & S. Stolton (Eds). Protected Landscapes and Agrobiodiversity Values. Volume I in the Values of Protected Landscapes and Seascapes Series. IUCN-GTZ.
  • Gonzalez, J., F.O. Sarmiento & J.L. Minetti. 2008. Cambios globales en la provincia más pequeña del noroeste Argentino, Tucumán. Pirineos 163:
  • Sarmiento, F.O. (editor)., 2003. Las Montañas del Mundo: Una prioridad global con perspectivas latinoamericanas. [Mountains of the World: A global priority with Latin American perspectives] Editorial Abya-Yala, Quito. 669pp.
  • Chaurette, E., F.O. Sarmiento and J. Rodríguez., 2003. A protected landscape candidate in the Tropical Andes of Ecuador. Parks 13(2): 42-51.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., 2000. Restoration of Andean Montane Forests for Conservation and Development. Pp. 59-69. In: Price, M. & N. Butt (editors). Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development: A State of Knowledge Report for 2000". IUFRO. CABI Publ. 590pp.
  • Sarmiento, F.O., 1995. Restoration of Equatorial Andes: The challenge for conservation of tropandean landscapes. pp. 637-651 In: Biodiversity and conservation of Neotropical montane forests. Churchill, S., H. Balslev, E. Forero & J. Luteyn (editors). The New York Botanical Garden. Bronx, NY: 702pp.