Forthcoming: Sarmiento, F.O., Aguirre, C, and Esquivel, H. (In preparation). The Andean Flanks: Montane Cloud Forests’ Unknow Cultural and Ecological Legacies. In: Clerici, N. (ed). The Andean Forests. Springer. In Preparation: Sarmiento, FO, Gönençgil, B, Kumar, P. Special Issue. "Sustainable and Regenerative Ecologies for the Management of Mountain Forestscapes" in the section "Environmental Sustainability and Applications". Sustainability Sarmiento, F.O. (In preparation). Critical biogeography of Andean treelines: A synthetic and geocritical prospective of the Humboldtian paradigm. Journal of Biogeography. Sarmiento, F.O. (In preparation). Landscape appellations and inscape biogeographical tropes. Landscape Journal. Camargo, J.S. and F.O. Sarmiento. (In preparation). Biocultural (dis)courses for the Andean Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) conservation. GeoHumanities. Sarmiento, F.O. (In preparation). Unpacking Montology: towards a unified mountain epistemology of altitudinal belts, ecological gradients, and biota. Artic, Antarctic and Alpine Research.